The Book of CSS3

The cover of the book

This web­site is a com­pan­ion to The Book of CSS3: A Developer’s Guide to the Future of Web Design, writ­ten by Peter Gasston, pub­lished by No Starch Press.

The examples and resources in the book are all avail­able on this site for you to try your­self, and will be updated to match new browser releases and changes to the CSS3 specification.

What is CSS3?

CSS3 is the latest revi­sion of cas­cad­ing style sheets, the lan­guage used to define the appear­ance and lay­out of web doc­u­ments. A still-evolving stand­ard, CSS3 pre­sents a mov­ing tar­get for de­vel­o­pers who need to stay abreast of which fea­tures are sup­por­ted by par­tic­u­lar web browsers.

The Book of CSS3 uses real-world examples to teach developers the fun­da­men­tals of the CSS3 spec­i­fi­ca­tion, high­light­ing the latest de­vel­op­ments and future fea­tures, while pay­ing close atten­tion to cur­rent browser implementations.

Second edition!