Caption Errata

A few captioning errors managed to sneak their way into the book:

  • In Figure 11-2, the first direction should read ‘right to left’.
  • Figure 12-7 should refer to the scale() function.
  • Figure 12-8 should read: ‘Elements transformed by different values in the skewX() and skewY() functions’.
  • Figure 12-9 should refer to the matrix() function.
  • Figure 13-3 should refer to the rotate3d() function.

Gradient unprefixing

In the past few months IE10, Firefox 16 and Opera 12.1 have all been released, and all have removed the vendor pre­fix from the four gradi­ent prop­er­ties: linear-gradient, repeating-linear-gradient, radial-gradient, and repeating-radial-gradient. As a res­ult, all of the examples in Chapter 11 now use the new syn­tax. Only the WebKit-based browsers are yet to imple­ment the final syntax.